kit stand de marché Gypsy, grill, plancha et barbecue grill, take away food


ce kit comprend toutes les fournitures, imprimables, accessoires, instructions détaillées en couleur pour réaliser cet étal de marché, les accessoires, et tous les aliments de cet appétissant grill « gypsy »

Attention: le banc blanc en bois n’est PAS inclus dans le kit et les instructions

Prix du kit 70 euros , frais de port selon localisation.

Prix pour les 3 kits d’étals de marché: 200 euros, plus 12 euros de port, incluant le kit de l’enseigne du Gypsy market en cadeau.

Kit includes:
– all stall parts and decorations, fabric and fancy paper to build the stall, and the side sign.
-all accessories to decorate and display the food (baskets, pots, mug, paper plates)
-full color prints to decorate stall, make mats, food containers, details, etc…
-metal papers and decorations to make the coffee machine and the  barbecue grill
-several colours of fimo to make the food
-color printed instructions, with lots of pictures for a step by step project.

students need to provide glue, paint and basic tools (tweezers, brushes, pins, scissors, ruler…)
and please note white bench is NOT included in kit nor in instructions

Price of the kit is $75 plus $6 postage,

Price of the 3 kits is $200 plus $12 postage, and includes the main gyspy market sign as an extra little kit.

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Pour marque-pages : Permaliens.

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